Creo Industry China Co., Ltd.

Професионален производител В разработването, продажбата и обслужването на домашно градинарство, творчески ежедневни нужди, от 2013 г.

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Фирма/Частно Лице

Персонализиран декоративен копринен чадър с печат в японски/китайски стил за сватбен суши Ресторант Декорация на тавана Кимоно Подиум Реквизит Ръководство

Описание на продукта
Описание на продукта
Стил на дизайна
Панел Материал
Дървена дръжка+копринена повърхност за чадър
Име на продукта
Декоративен чадър
Персонализирани дизайни Accpet
Бамбуково дърво
Начало Ресторант Хотел Плевене Събития Декорация на тавана
1.A Breeze to Clean and Freshen Up
When your beautiful Chinese/Japanese decorative umbrella arrives, it might have a bit of a new - item smell. But don't worry! Just pop it in a well - ventilated spot for a few days, and that odor will be gone in no time. And cleaning? It's as simple as can be. A gentle wash with mild soap and water is all this umbrella needs to stay looking as fresh as the day you got it. It's so easy, you'll be amazed at how effortless it is to maintain this stunning accessory.
2.The Perfect Gift for Every Special Woman
Looking for a gift that's truly one - of - a - kind? Look no further than this exquisitely crafted umbrella. It's an absolute show - stopper and makes for an outstanding present. Whether you're shopping for a young woman just starting to explore her sense of style or an older lady with a refined taste, this umbrella is sure to please. Birthdays, anniversaries, or even as wedding favors - it's the ideal gift for any occasion. The recipient will be delighted to receive such a unique and delicate accessory.
3.Versatility at Its Finest
Our Chinese classic dance day umbrella is more than just an umbrella; it's a versatile accessory that can be used in so many ways. In your daily life, it adds a touch of elegance to your commute or stroll. But it really shines at special events. Think weddings, where it can be a beautiful prop for the bride and bridesmaids. For photography sessions, it brings a unique and charming element to the frame. Cosplay enthusiasts will love using it to complete their Asian - themed looks. And at music festivals or Asian - themed parties, it's the perfect addition to stand out from the crowd. No matter the occasion, this umbrella fits right in.
4.Built to Last with Quality Materials
Our handmade Oriental Oil Paper Parasol is a masterpiece of craftsmanship. It's crafted from premium satin, which not only looks luxurious but also feels great. The real star, though, is the high - quality, sturdy bamboo frame. This frame ensures that the umbrella can withstand various conditions, whether it's a light drizzle or a gust of wind. You can count on this umbrella to last for years, making it a reliable and long - lasting addition to your collection. It's not just an accessory; it's an investment.
5.Exuding Elegance in Every Detail
Meticulously crafted from solid wood and silk, our Chinese oil paper umbrella is a sight to behold. The beautiful traditional pattern on it is a work of art. This design is not only visually appealing but also adds a classic and refined touch to any outfit or setting. Whether you're wearing a modern dress or a traditional Asian costume, this umbrella complements your look perfectly. It's more than just an accessory; it's a statement of elegance.
Често задавани
1. Кои сме ние?
Базирани сме в Шанхай, Китай, започваме от 2013 г., продаваме в Югоизточна Азия (60.00%), вътрешния пазар (30.00%), Южна Азия (2.00%), Северна
Америка (2.00%), Южна Америка (2.00%), Океания (2.00%), Северна Европа (2.00%) и т.н.

2. Как можем да гарантираме качество?
Винаги предпроизводствена проба преди масово производство;
Винаги окончателна проверка преди изпращане;

3.Какво може да ви предложи?
Продуктите, които предлагаме, са различни видове: кухненски прибори, домашно съхранение и организация, екипировка за дъжд, продукти за баня, прибори за напитки и аксесоари, спортни аксесоари и други неща, от които се нуждаете.

4. Защо трябва да купувате от нас, а не от други доставчици?
Имаме професионален технически екип за контрол на качеството. Има и пълна система за предпродажба, продажба и следпродажба.

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