If you're looking for an effective way to keep your car vehicle cool and comfortable during scorching summer days, Creo has the solution for you. Our Hot Selling Car Front Windshield Shades are the perfect product to help protect your vehicle from harmful UV rays and keep the interior temperature down. With its folding design, our car sunshade umbrella is easy to store and is perfect for drivers on-the-go.
Our Car Front Windshield Shades are especially useful for those who have to park their cars outdoors for extended periods. Direct sun exposure can cause damage to your dashboard and other interior fixtures, leading to discoloration and cracking. With our car sunshade umbrella, our Anti-Ultraviolet Parasol can keep your vehicle's interior protected while providing a cooler and more comfortable entry.
Our car sunshade umbrella is made from high-quality Creo materials that ensure durability and long-lasting performance. The Creo Hot Selling Car Front Windshield Shades are designed to withstand harsh weather conditions, including intense sunlight, rain, and strong wind. The anti-UV coating on our Car Front Windshield Shades gives superb resistance that can endure years of use. Its lightweight design makes it easy for you to carry around and store anywhere.
Installation of our Car Front Windshield Shades is a breeze! It has a unique shape and comes with suction cups, which allows it to fit perfectly on your car's windshield. This design form makes it a versatile car accessory you can use in multiple vehicles, making it perfect for families with more than one car.
Not only does our car sunshade umbrella protect your car's interior from harmful rays, but it also helps keep the temperature down. Our Heat Insulation Car Sunshade Umbrella effectively reflects the sunlight while reducing heat and glare. Say goodbye to hot seats and sweaty rides during scorching summer days, and hello to a cool, comfortable ride.
At Creo, we value our customers' satisfaction and always strive to provide premium quality products at reasonable prices. Our Hot Selling Car Front Windshield Shades are no exception. We are confident that our Car Front Windshield Shades will meet your needs and exceed your expectations, making it a valuable addition to your car accessories.
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Чадър за кола |
функция |
UV защита |
Плат |
190T плат Pongee |
употреба |
Outdoor UV Protection for Car/Advertising Gift Usage |
Ключови думи |
Car Uv Protect Cover |
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Рамка от алуминиева сплав |
Особеност |
Sun Protection UV50+ |
【Високо качество】The materials of this product are made of composite peptide materials, different from ordinary aluminum foil materials which are not easy to be damaged under high temperature for a long time, with functions: Wear resistance, aging resistance, impact resistance, and keep the air in the car fresh
【Thermal Insulation and Sun Protection】Our windshield parasols are made of heat-resistant and high-density ultraviolet reflective environmentally friendly materials, It has effective anti-ultraviolet and sun protection functions to prevent the damage of ultraviolet and heat to the electronic equipment inside the car, they can also prevent the fading and cracking of the dashboard
【Easy to fold and use】The windscreen sun visor does not need to be installed lengthily. By quickly opening and closing the storage, the installation can be completed within a few seconds. Like an umbrella, the lightweight, easy to store device can be placed in the car door, central control or glove box. 【Compatible】Whether you own sedan, a truck, a SUV, a minivan or even a van, Our car sun shade wraps around the windshield and achieves maximum coverage for your vehicle. Provide you with maximum sun protection
【WIDE RANGE OF EMERGENCY USE】The car umbrella can not only shade the sun and reduce the temperature, but also help you deal with emergencies: emergency keep out rain and snow, temporary outdoor sun protection, camping placemat and Camera shading props
Creo Industry China Co., Ltd., създадена през 2013 г., е базирана в Китай международна търговска компания със силен и професионален екип за проверка на качеството, специализиран в продуктите за дома и градината и спорта и развлеченията. Продуктите, които предлагаме, са различни видове: кухненски прибори, домашно съхранение и организация, екипировка за дъжд, продукти за баня, прибори за напитки и аксесоари, спортни аксесоари и други неща, от които се нуждаете. Нашите продукти са изнесени в повече от 30 страни в Северна Америка, Европа, Азия, Южна Америка, Африка и т.н., като САЩ, Мексико, Канада, Испания, Русия, Германия, Сингапур, Тайланд, Япония, Малайзия, Бразилия, Индия и др.
Имаме добри резултати в продажбата на повече от 1000 вида стоки със система за доставка на едно гише, предоставяйки на клиентите преносим канал за покупки. Нашите предимства: 1) Капацитет за доставка на широка гама продукти
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1. Кои сме ние?
Базирани сме в Шанхай, Китай, започваме от 2013 г., продаваме в Югоизточна Азия (60.00%), вътрешния пазар (30.00%), Южна Азия (2.00%), Север
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2. Как можем да гарантираме качество?
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3. Какво може да ви предложи?
Продуктите, които предлагаме, са различни видове: кухненски прибори, домашно съхранение и организация, екипировка за дъжд, продукти за баня, прибори за напитки и аксесоари, спортни аксесоари и други неща, от които се нуждаете.
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Имаме професионален технически екип за контрол на качеството. Има и пълна система за предпродажба, продажба и следпродажба.