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product wholesale indoor garden plastic flowerpot with magnetic water storage base desktop decorationwatering pot flower pots planters-18

Gartentöpfe & Pflanzgefäße

Startseite >  Produkte >  Gartenzubehör >  Gartentöpfe & Pflanzgefäße

Großhandel Indoor-Garten Kunststoff Blumentopf mit magnetischer Wasserspeicherbasis Desktop-Dekoration Gießkanne Blumentöpfe Pflanzgefäße


Introducing, the Creo’s Wholesale Indoor Garden Plastic Flowerpot, a versatile and practical option for all your indoor gardening needs. This flowerpot stands out from the rest due to its unique magnetic water storage base that can hold up to 200ml of water, making watering your plants hassle-free.


The Creo’s flowerpot is made of high-quality plastic material that is sturdy and can withstand harsh environments. Its exquisite design ensures that the pot can blend in with any indoor decor, making it an ideal decoration for your desktop, windowsill, or living room.


This product has a dimension of 10cm by 8cm, which is a perfect size for small indoor plants and herbs, and it comes in a variety of colors to suit your preference. The flowerpot is also lightweight and easy to move around as per your convenience.


The magnetic water storage base of the Creo’s flowerpot not only simplifies watering but also ensures that your plants receive the right amount of moisture for optimal growth. The water storage base also prevents water from spilling and reduces water usage, making it a cost-effective option.


With the Creo’s flowerpot, you don't have to worry about water-logging, thanks to its drainage holes that ensure proper air circulation and drainage. Additionally, this flowerpot is easy to clean, and you can reuse it for years without any significant wear and tear.


Whether you are a seasoned gardener or looking for a new hobby, the Creo’s flowerpot is perfect for any indoor gardening enthusiast. Moreover, this flowerpot is suitable for beginners as it simplifies watering and eliminates the worry of over watering or under watering your plants

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