Creo Industry China Co., Ltd.

Manifattur Professjonali Fl-iżvilupp, il-bejgħ u s-servizz tal-ġardinaġġ tad-dar, ħtiġijiet kreattivi ta 'kuljum, Mill-2013.

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2-in-1 Pruning Scissors Kit Handheld Fruit Tree Trimming Knife & Grafting Shears with Blades & Wrap Film

Deskrizzjoni tal-prodott
Deskrizzjoni tal-prodott
numru tal-mudell
Handheld, Sempliċi, Tradizzjonali
Ġnien, ġardinaġġ fil-beraħ, Pjanti, għodod tal-ġnien, xogħol tal-ġnien, żbir tal-ġnien, Shearing, Qtugħ, aċċessorji tal-ġnien, Ġnien
Isem tal-Prodott
Qrieweż tat-tilqim tas-siġar tal-frott
Immaniġġja Materjal
Manku tal-plastik PP
Qtugħ għal Multi-Għanijiet
Għodda tal-Ġnien tal-Qrieweż taż-Żbir
Karta tal-Kulur
1.The Ultimate Grafting Companion for All Your Needs
Are you ready to take your gardening to the next level? Our Multi - Functional Grafting Tool Kit is here to transform your grafting experience. It's not just a toolset; it's a professional - grade solution that brings the concept of one - tool - for - multiple - purposes to life. Whether you're a green - thumbed beginner just starting out with grafting or a seasoned horticulturist with years of experience, this kit is designed to make every grafting task a breeze. It effortlessly adapts to the diverse needs of different grafting trees, ensuring that you have the perfect tool at your fingertips for any situation.
2.Precision - Crafted Blades for Successful Grafting
At the core of this amazing garden grafting tool kit are three interchangeable blades and 2 - in - 1 grafting and pruning tools. These blades are engineered with precision, featuring Ω, U - cut, and V - cut designs. They're specifically tailored to handle fruit branches with diameters between 5mm and 12mm. Why does this matter? Because clean and accurate cuts are the foundation of successful grafting. With these blades, you can make incisions that are perfect for promoting healthy plant growth, giving your grafts the best chance of thriving.
3.Comfort - First Design for Extended Gardening Sessions
We know that gardening can be a time - consuming activity, especially when you're deeply involved in grafting. That's why we've paid special attention to comfort. Our kit comes with an ABS anti - slip handle. Made from high - strength ABS plastic, this handle has a soft - grip surface that feels great in your hand. It not only provides a secure hold, preventing the tool from slipping during use, but also significantly reduces hand fatigue. Now, you can spend hours grafting and trimming without the discomfort that often comes with using tools for long periods. This ergonomic design allows you to work more efficiently and enjoy your gardening even more.
4.A Secure and Safe Grafting Experience
Safety is always a top priority in gardening, and our utility grafting tool reflects that. It has a well - constructed, premium - quality design with a quick and secure unlock system. All it takes is a simple push of the yellow button to lock the tool in place. This reliable locking mechanism gives you peace of mind while you're working. You can focus on your grafting tasks without worrying about the tool accidentally opening or shifting. It ensures that the tool remains stable and ready for use at all times, making your grafting experience both safe and hassle - free.
5.The Versatile Garden Shears: A Gardener's Swiss Army Knife
Our multi - purpose garden shears is a true gem in this kit. It's incredibly versatile and is a must - have for any gardener, especially those who work with fruit trees. Whether you're performing V - grafting, Ω - grafting, or pruning grafting branches, this shear is up to the challenge. It's also invaluable when it comes to fixing grapes and other vines during grafting. But its usefulness doesn't stop there. In your day - to - day gardening, it's perfect for supporting tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, melons, and other vining plants and flowers. By using this shear, you can help these plants grow upright and healthy, adding beauty and productivity to your garden.
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Aħna Ksibna Ċertifikat ta 'Kwalità QTEC & Ċertifikat IS0 9001.
Creo Industry China Co., Ltd stabbilita fl-2013, hija kumpanija kummerċjali internazzjonali bbażata fiċ-Ċina b'tim ta 'spezzjoni ta' kwalità b'saħħtu u professjonali, li jispeċjalizza fid-Dar u l-Ġnien u l-Prodotti Sports & Entertainment.
Aħna sirna wieħed mill-fornituri ta ' NITORI. Il-prodotti li offrejna huma jvarjaw f'diversi tipi: Oġġetti tal-kċina, Ħażna u Organizzazzjoni tad-Dar, Gear tax-xita, Prodotti tal-kamra tal-banju, Oġġetti tax-xorb u Aċċessorji Aċċessorji tal-Isport u oħrajn li għandek bżonn.
Vantaġġi tagħna
1) Kapaċità ta 'Provvista ta' Prodotti ta 'Firxa Wiesgħa
2) Tim ta 'Spezzjoni tal-Kwalità Professjonali
3) Disinn u Żvilupp ta 'Prodotti Kreattivi
4) Tim ta 'Servizz ta' Ħbiberija u Professjonali
5) Sistema ta 'Provvista Stabbli u Tlesti
6) Garanzija ta 'wara l-bejgħ onesta u f'waqtha
1. Min Aħna?
Aħna bbażati f'Shanghai, iċ-Ċina, nibdew mill-2013, ibiegħu lill-Asja tax-Xlokk (60.00%), Suq Domestiku (30.00%), Asja t'Isfel (2.00%), Tramuntana
Amerika (2.00%), Amerika t'Isfel (2.00%), Oċeanja (2.00%), Ewropa ta 'Fuq (2.00%), eċċ

2. Kif Nistgħu Niggarantixxu l-Kwalità?
Dejjem kampjun ta 'qabel il-produzzjoni qabel il-produzzjoni tal-massa;
Dejjem Spezzjoni finali qabel il-ġarr;

3.X'Jista' Jipprovdi għalik?
Il-prodotti li offrejna huma jvarjaw f'diversi tipi: Oġġetti tal-kċina, Ħażna u Organizzazzjoni fid-Dar, Tagħmir tax-xita, Prodotti tal-kamra tal-banju, Oġġetti tax-xorb u Aċċessorji, Aċċessorji tal-Isports u dak li għandek bżonn ieħor.

4. Għaliex għandek tixtri mingħandna mhux minn fornituri oħra?
Għandna tim tekniku professjonali biex tikkontrolla l-kwalità Hemm ukoll sistema sħiħa ta 'qabel il-bejgħ, bejgħ u wara l-bejgħ.

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