Creo Industry China Co., Ltd.

Manifattur Professjonali Fl-iżvilupp, il-bejgħ u s-servizz tal-ġardinaġġ tad-dar, ħtiġijiet kreattivi ta 'kuljum, Mill-2013.

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Isem tal-Kumpanija

Stackable 3-Piece Set BPA-Free Plastic Hollow Draining Basket Fruit & Vegetables Storage Basket Colander for Household Kitchen

Deskrizzjoni tal-prodott
Deskrizzjoni tal-prodott
Qoffa Ixxotta
Isem tal-prodott
Kċina Ħasil ​​Tbattal Basket
Ħżin Durabbli mingħajr Bpa u Ħlief Spazjali
PP tal-plastik
Exceptionally Efficient Draining Capability
This colander set has been ingeniously engineered to facilitate rapid draining. Be it rinsing an abundance of fruits or a substantial amount of vegetables, it enables effortless rinsing procedures and promptly retains and expels water, ensuring a seamless and time - saving experience.
Superior - Quality and Environmentally - Conscious Build
Comprising three pieces, this colander set is crafted from robust and eco - friendly PP plastic. Its construction not only guarantees long - lasting durability but also features densely arranged circular drainage holes that are meticulously designed to promote efficient water flow, striking a perfect balance between functionality and environmental responsibility.
Highly Versatile Sizing Variations
Available in three distinct sizes, this colander set is comprehensively equipped to fulfill all your diverse culinary requirements. Whether you're handling a small handful of berries or a large, unwieldy head of cabbage, there's a colander in the set perfectly tailored to the task.
Innovative Space - Saving Design
The design of these colanders is centered around practicality. They can be neatly stacked against the wall or conveniently hung up, making optimal use of your kitchen space and helping to keep your cooking area organized and clutter - free.
Swift and Hassle - Free Cleaning
The multitude of holes in the colander serve a dual purpose. Not only do they quickly drain water from the food items being rinsed, but they also render the colander itself extremely easy to clean. A simple rinse after use is all it takes, saving you precious time and effort in the kitchen.
1. Min Aħna?
Aħna bbażati f'Shanghai, iċ-Ċina, nibdew mill-2013, ibiegħu lill-Asja tax-Xlokk (60.00%), Suq Domestiku (30.00%), Asja t'Isfel (2.00%), Tramuntana
Amerika (2.00%), Amerika t'Isfel (2.00%), Oċeanja (2.00%), Ewropa ta 'Fuq (2.00%), eċċ

2. Kif Nistgħu Niggarantixxu l-Kwalità?
Dejjem kampjun ta 'qabel il-produzzjoni qabel il-produzzjoni tal-massa;
Dejjem Spezzjoni finali qabel il-ġarr;

3.X'Jista' Jipprovdi għalik?
Il-prodotti li offrejna huma jvarjaw f'diversi tipi: Oġġetti tal-kċina, Ħażna u Organizzazzjoni fid-Dar, Tagħmir tax-xita, Prodotti tal-kamra tal-banju, Oġġetti tax-xorb u Aċċessorji, Aċċessorji tal-Isports u dak li għandek bżonn ieħor.

4. Għaliex għandek tixtri mingħandna mhux minn fornituri oħra?
Għandna tim tekniku professjonali biex tikkontrolla l-kwalità Hemm ukoll sistema sħiħa ta 'qabel il-bejgħ, bejgħ u wara l-bejgħ.

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Isem tal-Kumpanija