Creo Industry China Co., Ltd.

Manifattur Professjonali Fl-iżvilupp, il-bejgħ u s-servizz tal-ġardinaġġ tad-dar, ħtiġijiet kreattivi ta 'kuljum, Mill-2013.

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Ultra Water Absorbent Microfiber Kitchen Towels Household Cleaning Cloth Woven Hand Tearing Rags for Dish Car Care

Deskrizzjoni tal-prodott
Deskrizzjoni tal-prodott
Pjazza, Roll
Kulur solidu
post tal-oriġini
numru tal-mudell
Isem tal-Prodott
Xugaman tat-tindif tal-kċina tal-mikrofibra
Drapp tad-Dixxijiet xugamani tat-Tindif li jistgħu jerġgħu jintużaw
25 * 25cm/pcs
Rollijiet 50
1.Super - Absorbent for Speedy and Effortless Cleaning
These household kitchen hand - cut rags are like little water - sucking superheroes! Engineered to absorb water at lightning speed, they're a game - changer for your dish - washing and cleaning chores. Say goodbye to the days of struggling with slow - drying cloths. With these rags, spills, drips, and dirt don't stand a chance. They quickly soak up moisture, leaving surfaces clean and dry in no time. Your cleaning tasks will become easier and far more productive, making your kitchen clean - up a breeze.
2.Lint - Free Shine for Spotless Surfaces
Made from high - quality polyester brocade, these rags are designed to be completely lint - free. When you use them on your tableware, countertops, or appliances, you'll be amazed at the results. No more annoying lint left behind, no streaks, and no stains. Every wipe brings you one step closer to a spotless, gleaming finish. Whether you're polishing your fine china or wiping down your stainless - steel fridge, these rags ensure a flawless clean every single time.
3.Tear - Resistant and Custom - Sized for Any Task
The hand - ripped design of these kitchen dish towels is pure genius. It offers unbeatable convenience and adaptability. Have a small spill on the counter? Tear off a small piece of the rag. Need to dry a stack of dishes? Rip off a larger section. You can easily customize the size of the rag to fit any specific cleaning need. And don't worry about these rags tearing easily. Despite being hand - ripped, they're tear - resistant, so you can rely on them for even the toughest cleaning jobs.
4.Built to Last for Endless Use
Constructed from tough and resilient polyester, these lazy dish towels are made to withstand the test of time. They can handle repeated use and countless wash cycles without losing their shape or absorbency. You won't have to worry about them falling apart after just a few uses. Their robust build ensures a long lifespan, so you can get the most out of each roll. Invest in these durable rags, and you'll be set for all your cleaning needs for a long time to come.
5.The Ultimate Cleaning Companion for Every Home
Whether you're a busy homemaker constantly on the go, a professional chef in a bustling kitchen, or a DIY enthusiast who loves to keep things spick - and - span, these absorbent and durable kitchen dish towels are an absolute must - have. Keep them close at hand in your kitchen, laundry room, or cleaning caddy. Their lazy dish - washing design simplifies even the most tiresome cleaning tasks, allowing you to maintain an organized and spotless home with minimal effort. Don't miss out on this essential addition to your cleaning arsenal!
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Aħna Ksibna Ċertifikat ta 'Kwalità QTEC & Ċertifikat IS0 9001.
Creo Industry China Co., Ltd stabbilita fl-2013, hija kumpanija kummerċjali internazzjonali bbażata fiċ-Ċina b'tim ta 'spezzjoni ta' kwalità b'saħħtu u professjonali, li jispeċjalizza fid-Dar u l-Ġnien u l-Prodotti Sports & Entertainment.
Aħna sirna wieħed mill-fornituri ta ' NITORI. Il-prodotti li offrejna huma jvarjaw f'diversi tipi: Oġġetti tal-kċina, Ħażna u Organizzazzjoni tad-Dar, Gear tax-xita, Prodotti tal-kamra tal-banju, Oġġetti tax-xorb u Aċċessorji Aċċessorji tal-Isport u oħrajn li għandek bżonn.
Vantaġġi tagħna
1) Kapaċità ta 'Provvista ta' Prodotti ta 'Firxa Wiesgħa
2) Tim ta 'Spezzjoni tal-Kwalità Professjonali
3) Disinn u Żvilupp ta 'Prodotti Kreattivi
4) Tim ta 'Servizz ta' Ħbiberija u Professjonali
5) Sistema ta 'Provvista Stabbli u Tlesti
6) Garanzija ta 'wara l-bejgħ onesta u f'waqtha
1. Min Aħna?
Aħna bbażati f'Shanghai, iċ-Ċina, nibdew mill-2013, ibiegħu lill-Asja tax-Xlokk (60.00%), Suq Domestiku (30.00%), Asja t'Isfel (2.00%), Tramuntana
Amerika (2.00%), Amerika t'Isfel (2.00%), Oċeanja (2.00%), Ewropa ta 'Fuq (2.00%), eċċ

2. Kif Nistgħu Niggarantixxu l-Kwalità?
Dejjem kampjun ta 'qabel il-produzzjoni qabel il-produzzjoni tal-massa;
Dejjem Spezzjoni finali qabel il-ġarr;

3.X'Jista' Jipprovdi għalik?
Il-prodotti li offrejna huma jvarjaw f'diversi tipi: Oġġetti tal-kċina, Ħażna u Organizzazzjoni fid-Dar, Tagħmir tax-xita, Prodotti tal-kamra tal-banju, Oġġetti tax-xorb u Aċċessorji, Aċċessorji tal-Isports u dak li għandek bżonn ieħor.

4. Għaliex għandek tixtri mingħandna mhux minn fornituri oħra?
Għandna tim tekniku professjonali biex tikkontrolla l-kwalità Hemm ukoll sistema sħiħa ta 'qabel il-bejgħ, bejgħ u wara l-bejgħ.

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