Црео Индустри Цхина Цо., Лтд.

Професионални произвођач У развоју, продаји и сервису баштованства, креативних дневних потрепштина, од 2013.

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Funny Bpa-free Plastic Press Kids Food Spinner Container Round Rotating Divided Snack Storage Box with Leakproof Lid for Lunch

Опис производа
Опис производа
број модела
решеткаста количина
Пластични поклопац
Име производа
Пластични контејнер за храну кутија за ручак
Минт зелена/Корал розе/Светло небеско плава/Таро љубичаста
безбедна за храну, водоотпорна и непропусна кутија за ручак за децу
Савршене порције за разноврсност исхране
Each compartment of this container is sized to hold 1/4 cup of solid foods. Made from wood plastic, it serves as an ideal tool for presenting a diverse range of foods, ensuring balanced meals. The use of wood plastic not only adds variety to the dining experience but also encourages children to explore new foods in a fun and pressure - free environment. Wood plastic is known for its durability and can withstand the rigors of regular use.
Лаган и ултра - преносив
Engineered for maximum convenience, this split snack container made of wood plastic is lightweight and designed with a compact size. It's the perfect companion for those on the move. The clear, airtight, and leak - proof lid, which is also made with materials that complement the wood plastic body, not only keeps the contents fresh but also minimizes mess, making it easy to carry solid foods without worry. Wood plastic's lightweight nature makes it even more convenient for carrying around.
Муке - бесплатно чишћење
Constructed from durable wood plastic, all materials used in this container are BPA - free, providing a safe and worry - free feeding option. Cleaning is a breeze as it is top - rack dishwasher safe, saving you time and effort. Wood plastic is resistant to stains and can be easily cleaned, maintaining its appearance over time.
Забавно - испуњен дизајн
Featuring 5 snack compartments with interactive buttons, this container turns snack time into an engaging activity. The wood plastic material gives it a sturdy build while still maintaining an attractive look. It combines the functionality of multiple snack bowls and cups into one user - friendly unit, making it easy to manage and enjoy snacks. The wood plastic's texture can also add a unique tactile experience for children.
Свестран за све сценарије
This isn't just an ordinary snack container. It's perfectly sized for toddler portions, and the interactive buttons serve a dual purpose. They not only entertain children but also help in the development of their fine and gross motor skills as they independently choose their snacks. Made of wood plastic, it is suitable for various settings, from home to outdoor adventures. Wood plastic's weather - resistant properties make it ideal for outdoor use, and its durability ensures it can handle the rough - and - tumble of active kids.
1. Ко смо ми?
Налазимо се у Шангају, Кина, почевши од 2013, продајемо у југоисточној Азији (60.00%), домаћем тржишту (30.00%), Јужној Азији (2.00%), северној
Америка (2.00%), Јужна Америка (2.00%), Океанија (2.00%), Северна Европа (2.00%), итд

2. Како можемо да гарантујемо квалитет?
Увек узорак пре производње пре масовне производње;
Увек завршни преглед пре отпреме;

3. Шта вам може пружити?
Производи које нудимо су у разним врстама: кухињски прибор, кућно складиштење и организација, опрема за кишу, производи за купатило, посуђе и додаци, спортски прибор и остало што вам треба.

4. Зашто би требало да купујете од нас, а не од других добављача?
Имамо професионални технички тим за контролу квалитета Постоји и комплетан систем претпродаје, продаје и постпродаје.

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Наш представник ће вас ускоро контактирати.
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