Црео Индустри Цхина Цо., Лтд.

Професионални произвођач У развоју, продаји и сервису баштованства, креативних дневних потрепштина, од 2013.

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Камповање & Планинарење

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Преносна склопива столица за камповање Ултралагана чврста склопива пластична столица за путовања на роштиљу, планинарење, активности на отвореном и руксак

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Прихваћене потребе купаца
The Epitome of Portable and Versatile Convenience
Our Folding Stool is the paragon of convenience, being both lightweight and eminently portable. It's the ultimate companion for a wide array of scenarios. Planning a laid - back picnic in the park? Going on a thrilling camping expedition? Fishing by the serene lake? Or attending an exciting outdoor concert? This stool is right there with you. Its versatility extends far beyond seating. It can be ingeniously repurposed as a practical storage solution for toys, books, clothes, and other items, helping you maintain an organized living or storage space.
A Multifunctional Design Marvel
This folding stool is not just a simple seat; it's a design wonder with a multifunctional edge. It can smoothly transform into a handy hand basket, adapting to your ever - changing needs. Whether you're out shopping, effortlessly carrying your groceries, traveling and keeping your essentials close, on a camping trip moving small items around, or engaged in any other outdoor activity, this stool - turned - basket offers unrivaled flexibility. And once you're done, folding it up and storing it away is a breeze, as it takes up minimal space.
Custom - Tailored to Your Tastes
We recognize that individual preferences vary widely. That's why our folding stool comes in an extensive range of colors and sizes. This ensures that you can easily find the perfect fit that aligns with your personal style and specific requirements. With a substantial weight capacity of up to 220 pounds, it's suitable for both adults and children (when under adult supervision), making it accessible and beneficial for the whole family.
Durable Construction with High - Quality Materials
Our folding stool is crafted from top - grade PP plastic, a material that speaks volumes about its quality and durability. This not only ensures the safety of the user but also promises a long - lasting product. It's a wise investment for regular use, as it can endure various weather conditions, be it the heat of the sun, the downpour of rain, or the humidity of certain environments.
Једноставност у употреби
Using our Folding Stool is as straightforward as it gets. Just unfold it, and you're all set to sit and unwind. Initially, it might feel a bit rigid, but with a bit of practice, it will become more flexible over time. All things considered, our Folding Stool is an excellent choice for outdoor activities, providing a comfortable place to sit while also doubling as a convenient storage option for your belongings.
1. Ко смо ми?
Налазимо се у Шангају, Кина, почевши од 2013, продајемо у југоисточној Азији (60.00%), домаћем тржишту (30.00%), Јужној Азији (2.00%), северној
Америка (2.00%), Јужна Америка (2.00%), Океанија (2.00%), Северна Европа (2.00%), итд

2. Како можемо да гарантујемо квалитет?
Увек узорак пре производње пре масовне производње;
Увек завршни преглед пре отпреме;

3. Шта вам може пружити?
Производи које нудимо су у разним врстама: кухињски прибор, кућно складиштење и организација, опрема за кишу, производи за купатило, посуђе и додаци, спортски прибор и остало што вам треба.

4. Зашто би требало да купујете од нас, а не од других добављача?
Имамо професионални технички тим за контролу квалитета Постоји и комплетан систем претпродаје, продаје и постпродаје.

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